Nigeria: Islamic State terrorists murder Christians in Borno state, “Where is the outcry?”

nigeria worthy christian news

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – The slaughter of Christians by Islamic terrorists in Nigeria continues unabated and, on May 3, eight Christians in Borno state were killed by Islamic State West Africa (ISWAP) militants, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports.

As the Nigerian government and the international community stood by, around 43,000 Christians in Nigeria were murdered by Islamic militants over the last 12 years.

The May 3 attack took place in Chibok County, Borno state when ISWAP militants invaded the predominantly Christian town of Kautikari town at around 6 pm, ICC said. As hundreds of residents fled for their lives, the terrorists began shooting and killing villagers and looting and destroying homes.

This was the second deadly ISWAP attack in the Chibok area in less than a month: on April 18, ISWAP terrorists on April 18 attacked Yimirmugza village, killing a Christian girl and abducting six others, ICC said.

“Christian communities in the Middle Belt region of Nigeria have effectively suffered a 20-year genocide,” said ICC President Jeff King said in a website statement. “Where is any action? The Nigerian government gives these attacks lip service without any meaningful response. Where is the outcry? Where is effective action?”

“In Nigeria, the military, the police, and the intelligence agencies are all controlled by Muslims. This, coupled with a 20-year lack of response by these agencies, should naturally lead to deeper questioning by the international community. Simply put, the time for cheap talk and platitudes is over. The world is waking up and starting to ask, ‘Is the Nigerian government complicit in these attacks?’ Time will tell, but for this long-time watcher, the decision is in,” King added.

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