Putin Compares Western Sanctions to a ‘Declaration of War’

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(Worthy News) – As Russia works to counteract, and retaliate against, the effect of Western sanctions, President Vladimir Putin has compared the punitive measures imposed by the U.S. and its allies over his invasion of Ukraine to a “declaration of war.”

“Much of what is taking place now, based on what we can see and what we are coming up against, are methods of fighting Russia,” he told a group of Russian airlines representatives on Saturday.

“As a matter of fact, the sanctions that are being introduced against us are akin to a declaration of war,” he added. “Thankfully it hasn’t come to that yet. I think that our so-called [Western] ‘partners’ understand where this can lead to and how much is at stake, despite their reckless statements.” [ Source: CNS News (Read More…) ]

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