Miss. Gov: If Roe v. Wade Is Overturned, ‘Yes,’ I Will Enforce ‘the Almost Total Abortion Ban’ in Mississippi

(Worthy News) –
“So the state of Mississippi also has a law in the books that would ban all abortions, with exceptions only for rape and the life of the mother, that would snap into effect — it’s called a snapback law — snap into effect just days after Roe is overturned, if Roe is overturned. If that happens, would you start enforcing that in your state, the almost complete ban, regardless of how many weeks of the pregnancy?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked.
“Well, Jake, clearly, it is dependent upon how the court rules and exactly what those opinions allow us to do. If, in fact, Roe is overturned — and, by the way, I believe very strongly, as do many Americans, that the justices on the Supreme Court today could look at the Roe v. Wade case and come to the conclusion that the court just simply got it wrong in 1973,” Reeves said. [ Source: CNS News (Read More…) ]