‘God-Given Right of Conscience’: Christian Employers Alliance, Daystar, AFA, Answers in Genesis Sue to Block Vax Mandate

(Worthy News) – Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorneys working on behalf of the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA), a nonprofit representing Christian-owned businesses, co-filed a petition in the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Friday to challenge the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate for private businesses.
In the lawsuit, State of Missouri v. Biden, CEA has joined with the states — along with private plaintiffs AAI, Inc. and Doolittle Trailer Manufacturing, Inc. — to challenge the Biden administration’s actions as unconstitutional and outside the government’s statutory authority. The lawsuit does not address the use of the COVID-19 vaccine but focuses on what is being called extraordinary government overreach into the lives and businesses of the American people.
“The federal government is attempting to interfere with employees’ private health decisions and their religious convictions,” said CEA president Shannon Royce. “Members of the Christian Employers Alliance go to great lengths to care for the health and wellness of their employees.” [ Source (Read More…) ]