Only 13% of evangelicals tithe, half give away less than 1% of income annually: study

(Worthy News) – While a majority of evangelicals say tithing — giving 10% of one’s income to the church — is a biblical commandment, only an estimated 13% engage in the practice, while half give away less than 1% of their income annually, a new study shows.
The study, “The Generosity Factor: Evangelicals and Giving,” which will be formally released on Nov. 1, reflects data collected from 1,000 American evangelical Protestants and highlights how and where evangelicals give money. It also reveals significant differences in giving among age groups.
The research from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts, a brand communication agency that “inspires people of faith to action through consulting, branding, fundraising, public relations, creative, traditional media and digital media,” also points to longterm concerns for donor-supported organizations. [ Source: Christian Post (Read More…) ]