Christian member of Finnish Parliament faces prison for questioning support of gay pride parade

(Worthy News) – A member of Finland’s Parliament is facing two years in prison for tweeting a message questioning the alignment of her church with a gay pride parade and for other statements expressing what she said is the Bible’s view on homosexuality.
Dr. Päivi Räsänen, a physician and the country’s former interior minister, faces a potential November trial for “incitement against [an] ethnic group,” as Finnish Prosecutor General Raija Toiviainen stated in an April announcement.
Ms. Toiviainen said Dr. Räsänen “violate[d] homosexuals’ equality and human dignity” by posting verses online from the New Testament book of Romans; publishing a 2004 pamphlet calling homosexuality “a scientifically proven psychosexual developmental disorder”; and speaking about homosexuality on a Finnish radio program. [ Source: Washington Times (Read More…) ]