Ra’am: Al-Aqsa Mosque ‘is solely the property of Muslims’
Sunday, July 18, 2021 | Tag Cloud Tags: Islam, Israel, Muslim, News, Prayer, temple, Temple Mount, Worthy News | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly

(Worthy News) – The Islamist Ra’am party condemned the ascent of hundreds of what it called Jewish “settlers” to the Temple Mount on Sunday morning, during the observance of the Tisha B’Av fast.
“The Al-Aqsa Mosque, in its 144 dunams, is solely the property of Muslims, and no one else has any right to it,” the Islamist party said, in a joint statement with its parent organization, the Islamic Movement.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third-holiest site in Islam. But the Temple Mount is also Judaism’s holiest site, as the two biblical Temples were said to be built on the hilltop. A fragile status quo prevails at the sanctuary, with Jewish prayer officially forbidden. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]
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