15 years on, IDF girds for a potentially devastating war against Hezbollah

(Worthy News) – In a future war with Hezbollah, more rockets and missiles would be fired at Israel from Lebanon in the span of less than two days than were fired during the entire 11-day battle between Israel and Palestinian terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip in May, according to fresh Israeli military assessments.
However, the Israel Defense Forces does not anticipate such a conflict to break out imminently, believing the domestic crises currently unfolding within Lebanon make the prospects of war less likely. The internal upheaval in Lebanon is, however, broadly a source of concern for the military, adding yet more chaos and uncertainty to an already fraught situation just across the border.
Though it has long seen governmental negligence and sectarian division, Lebanon in recent months has faced a nearly total breakdown of its financial system, complete political deadlock, a massive fuel shortage and a poor response to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as last August’s massive explosion in the Beirut port, which caused hundreds of deaths and widespread destruction in the city. [ Source: Times of Israel (Read More…) ]
150,000 rockets aimed at Israel. Northern Command head: We have surprises for Hezbollah
The commander of the Northern Command, Major General Amir Baram, said that “We are preparing surprises for Hezbollah’s ‘surprises.’ The next war will be complex for us but unbearable for them. ”
It is estimated that the terrorist army has between 130-150 thousand rockets and missiles capable of hitting any point in Israel, at distances between 15 and 700 kilometers, at a rate of ten thousand launches a week.
In light of this, units in the armored and engineering corps have recently undergone the ‘Northern Threshold’ test to measure required preparedness for the next war in Lebanon. [ Source: Arutz Sheva (Read More…) ]