130 U.S. Officials Attacked By Suspected ‘Directed Energy Microwave Weapon,’ Suffer Severe Brain Injuries: Reports

(Worthy News) – Scores of top U.S. officials have been attacked by what officials believe is a “directed energy microwave weapon” that can leave victims with permanent debilitating neurological symptoms.
“Well U.S. officials say there are now 130 suspected victims, mostly CIA operatives and U.S. diplomats being treated for brain injuries, debilitating headaches, and vertigo,” Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin reported on Thursday. “The targets they believe of a directed energy microwave weapon. Fox has confirmed two individuals working on the NSC during the Trump administration believe they were targeted in 2019 and in 2020 in the days following the election. One was near the White House and one was walking her dog. The Russians have been working on mobile microwave weapons for years.” [ Source: Daily Wire (Read More…) ]