Frozen windmills, rolling blackouts in Texas spark fears about green-energy future

(Worthy News) – The Arctic blast that left millions of Texans in the cold as wind turbines froze also sent shivers down the spines of those convinced that the rolling blackouts offer a chilling glimpse of the future under President Biden’s green-energy agenda.
Despite its status as a major oil-and-gas producer, Texas relied on wind for 23% of its electricity in 2020, but about half of that capacity went offline Monday after freak winter storms, record snow and frigid cold iced the West Texas turbines.
The deep freeze also interrupted the flow of natural gas, which provides nearly half the state’s electricity, but the specter of Texans huddling in their non-electric cars and burning charcoal for heat placed in sharp relief the Biden administration’s push for a fossil-free future. [ Source: Washington Times (Read More…) ]