Trump Wins Florida In U.S. Presidential Race

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By Worthy News Election Team George Whitten and Stefan J. Bos

(Worthy News) – U.S. President Donald J. Trump won the State of Florida in Tuesday’s presidential election as investors contemplated a possible Democratic defeat, despite opinion polls.

Fox News Channel and other outlets called Florida for Trump during what some described as the most critical vote in generations.

The nation’s attention began to focus on “swing states” that were expected to decide who will be the next leader of the free world.

Trump was projected to win Indiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Arkansas, West Virginia, and South Dakota, according to Edison Research cited by The Washington Post newspaper.

Biden was predicted by Edison Research to win New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, New Jersey, Vermont, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.

With 101 million votes cast early, the United States was also heading towards its highest turnout in over a century. A visible emotional Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell held his seat in Kentucky, beating back a 100-million dollar effort to unseat him by his Democratic opponent. The 78-year-old Republican won his seventh six-year term.

As the hours passed, investors rushed to un­ravel bets on a quick elec­tion re­sult and a de­ci­sive De­mo­c­ra­tic sweep, send­ing stock fu­tures on a volatile ride in af­ter-hours trad­ing and bond yields sharply lower, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) newspaper reported.

Polls in a grow­ing num­ber of states showed the like­li­hood of a De­mo­c­ra­tic sweep of the White House and Con­gress fall­ing, The WSJ said, spurring a rapid turn­around in mar­kets.

In re­cent days, in­vestors had sold gov­ern­ment bonds and bought sec­tors that would ben­e­fit from fis­cal stim­u­lus, like shares of smaller com­pa­nies. That quickly changed in trad­ing Tues­day evening as the elec­tion re­sults show­ing a tight race be­tween Pres­i­dent Trump and De­mo­c­rat Joe Biden poured in, the WSJ said. It noted a trade that has worked for much of the year– buy­ing tech­nol­ogy stocks—re­turned in full force.

Some voters said that they encountered obstacles Tuesday. But The Washington Post was quoting election officials across the country as saying that voting generally was running smoothly. “Fears of disruption and voter intimidation had not materialized in any significant way.”

However, National Guard troops were called across the U.S. amid concerns America’s military reserve force might be needed to prevent post-election civil unrest, Worthy News reported earlier.
The U.S. Postal Service disregarded a federal judge’s election-day order to conduct processing-facility sweeps in 12 postal districts. That decision came after the agency disclosed that more than 300,000 ballots could not be traced.

Amid the nails-biting race, crowds gathered outside the White House at Lafayette Square for what reporters described as an overwhelmingly jovial demonstration for the respective political candidates. It was in contrast with tensions around the White House in June when violent clashes were reported between federal agents in tactical gear and protesters.

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