Trump administration rolls out new ban on Chinese imports made in ‘concentration camp’

(Worthy News) – The Trump administration moved to block substantially more imports from the Xinjiang region of China, where approximately 1 million Uighur Muslims are forced to manufacture goods in “concentration camps,” according to homeland security officials.
Ken Cuccinelli, who performs the duties of Department of Homeland Security deputy secretary, told reporters in a press call Monday afternoon that Customs and Border Protection officers who screen imports at ports of entry will block items made at any of five locations in China. The Chinese government claims the sites are vocational skills and training centers or workplace facilities.
“This is not a vocational center. It is a concentration camp — a place where religious and ethnic minorities are subject to abuse and forced to work in heinous conditions with no recourse and no freedom,” said Cuccinelli. “This is modern-day slavery. President Trump has been very clear: This administration will not tolerate the egregious human rights violations that are taking place in China.” [ Source: Washington Examiner (Read More…) ]