Sunday, July 5, 2020 |
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(Worthy News) – Calls have been made to end Israel’s existence at a series of rallies held across America and Canada.
The Pro-Palestinian group Al-Awda held a ‘Day of Rage’ in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami and Toronto between July 1 and 4, at which numerous calls were made for a new intifada or uprising against the State of Israel. Speakers at the events linked the Palestinian cause to others globally, including Black Lives Matter.
At the Brooklyn event, a speaker named Jamie, who is a pro-North Korean activist, told the crowd: “The DPRK [Democratic People’s Republic of Korea] also refuses to recognize Israel and calls it an imperialist satellite of the United States… I believe that within our lifetime, Palestine will be yours again and Korea will be one again! The United States of America and all of its puppet governments will be no more!” [ Source: Jerusalem Post (Read More…) ]
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Tag Cloud Tags:
Day of Rage,
Los Angeles,
North Korea,
United States,
Worthy News