Trump vows to put up ‘substantially more than 500 miles’ of border wall by early 2021
(Worthy News) – President Trump vowed during the State of the Union address to build more than 500 miles of wall on the southern border by early 2021, blowing well past the 450 miles his administration has previously said would be created before the end of this year.
“We have now completed over 100 miles and [will] have over 500 miles fully completed in a very short period of time. Early next year, we will have substantially more than 500 miles completed,” Trump said Tuesday night.
The Trump administration has more than 500 miles of fence funded and is either in pre-construction or under construction. But even if the administration achieved its 2020 goal, it would only put 165 miles of fence in previously unsecured areas of the 2,000-mile border. Other construction has occurred in areas where fencing already exists and is being replaced. [ Source: Washington Times (Read More…) ]