Donald Trump launches evangelical coalition as he defends Iran decision
Monday, January 6, 2020 | Tag Cloud Tags: Christian, church, Franklin Graham, Iran, Military, News, Trump, Worthy News | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly

(Worthy News) – President Donald Trump launched his “Evangelicals for Trump” coalition on Friday night as he defended the US killing of Iran’s top military leader, Qasem Soleimani, in the face of strong criticism.
A rally to mark the launch at El Ray Jesus Church in Miami was attended by high profile evangelical supporters, including James Dobson, Alveda King, Franklin Graham’s daughter Cissie Graham Lynch, and his spiritual adviser Paula White.
Addressing the crowds, Trump said he was confident that the evangelical turnout for his 2020 re-election bid was going to be even higher than during his election in 2016. [ Source: Christian Today (Read More…) ]
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