$250 Billion and Counting is the Cost of Oslo
Saturday, May 24, 2014 | Tag Cloud | Learn about our FREE SYNDICATION Service | Sign up for our Worthy Briefs! | Printer Friendly
The failed attempt at regional peacemaking known as the Oslo Process has cost the state of Israel over 900 billion shekels — more than $250 billion — since 1993, and the costs keeps rising, according to a study by the Likud party’s Jewish Leadership faction, which is headed by MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud-Beytenu).
Key Excerpts
Jewish Leadership’s report on the study’s results note that the same amount of money would have sufficed for ensuring that 3.5 million Arabs receive the same income that they currently enjoy, for a period of 50 years, in exchange for voluntary repatriation to Arab countries.
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