Islamists Seek To Topple’ Egypt’s Sisi After Ousting Syrian Leader (Worthy News Investigation)


By Stefan J. Bos, Chief International Correspondent Worthy News

CAIRO (Worthy News) – A self-declared Egyptian “revolutionary” linked to a group that ousted Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad has launched an Islamist “movement” to also topple Egypt’s leader, Worthy News, established Sunday.

Ahmed al-Mansour announced that “The 25 January Revolutionaries Movement” seeks to overthrow Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s “regime.”

He previously fought for Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which led an Islamic offensive that ousted Syria’s president on December 8 and formed a government that disbanded Assad’s army.

Israeli sources also said he has been “a former terrorist” of al-Qaida, the group responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks against the United States and supported by the “Muslim Brotherhood” group, Qatar and Turkey.

The 25 January Revolutionaries Movement was officially founded over the weekend and ironically chose as its symbol the old flag of pre-1952 Egypt, a kingdom at the time.

It was apparently named after the 2011 revolution in Egypt, which started on January 25 of that year with marches, demonstrations, and civil resistance.

Protesters from across the Arab world’s most populous country were inspired by the uprising in Tunisia, which saw demonstrators succeed in bringing down the government.


In footage obtained by Worthy News, Mansour claims that Sisi has been working with Egyptian Christians, known as Copts.

“Sisi, while you were in church congratulating the Copts, no one asked you if your hands were stained with Egyptian blood or not. Nobody asked you if you ate the Egyptians’ money or not. But because of your fear and psychological distress, you asked yourself and answered: ‘I am your destiny, Sisi,’” Mansour says in the video verified by Worthy News.

“God saved me from your massacres and the massacres of others so that I may be your end, by God’s command,” Mansour adds.

His Movement’s founding document, obtained by Worthy News, also suggests that Sisi is a puppet of Israel. “Egypt has never faced an existential threat as serious as the one it is currently enduring at the hands of the Zionist agent who is oppressing it, with the support of a proxy occupation army,” its charter claims.

“In anticipation of the destructive plan being executed by the Zionist agent—starting with the formation of armed militias operating outside the law as a prelude to dividing Egypt—and in the absence of any political means to overthrow the regime, the revolutionary path has become an inevitable and indisputable necessity,” the group adds.

Its four main goals include the “overthrow of the Zionist agent Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.” In addition, the group seeks the “complete withdrawal of the army from political activity and its return to its role of protecting the nation.”

Thirdly, it demands ” the release of all political detainees and the restoration of their dignity,” while its fourth stated goal is “a return to the objectives of January 25: ‘Bread, Freedom, Social Justice, and Human Dignity.’”


In the document, the group’s Joint Revolution Leadership Council urges “all revolutionary forces to unite around the proposed plan, which we consider the cornerstone for the success of the revolution.”

It stresses that “with the help and guidance of Allah,” it will achieve “its desired goals.”

Separately, the Movement calls on supporters to gather “onto the streets 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on January 14th, 15th, 16th (2025)” as “readiness measurement dates.”

Although it asks participating civilians “to avoid cheering and/or otherwise attracting attention,” the announcement was expected to exacerbate tensions further.

“Egypt is the largest Arab country with more than 100 million people. Any development there has enormous implications for the entire region,” warned Broderick McDonald, a leading conflict and extremism researcher.

McDonald closely followed the developments as an Associate Fellow at Kings College London’s International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) and a postgraduate researcher at the University of Oxford.

He noticed that “The 25 January Revolutionaries Movement” announcement came while an artificial intelligence (Al)- generated short film was being produced“to encourage a revolution.”


“The Arab Spring and 2011 Egyptian Revolution benefited from Facebook and traditional social media, but this is a step beyond,” McDonald added.

The film, published by the Maydan Foundation, calls for the end of military rule and Egypt’s leadership.

While not much is known about the Foundation, the latest developments suggested that hardline Islamists, who oppose Israel’s existence and Christianity, plan to spread their wings from Syria to Egypt.

Any revolution breaking out in Egypt is due to increase instability in the Middle East.

Such upheaval is also expected to further pose security risks to Israel, its allies, and will likely increase the reported persecution of minority Christians in the region, according to a Worthy News assessment.

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