Persecuted Iranian Christians Struggle for Asylum in Georgia, Report


by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – A new study shows that persecuted Iranian Christians seeking asylum in the former Soviet state of Georgia are unfairly vulnerable to deportation as Georgian authorities routinely deny their claims, Article 18 reports.

Titled “The Plight of IRANIAN CHRISTIANS Seeking International Protection in Georgia,” the newly published study was conducted by Article18, CSW, Open Doors and Middle East Concern.

Among the reasons given to deny asylum, Georgia’s authorities often claim the Christians’ faith is not genuine and they should therefore be safe in Iran. The new report also cites Georgia’s “burgeoning relationship with Iran,” “intolerance of expressions of Christianity other than Georgian Orthodox”, “and the consequence is that several hundred Iranian Christians currently seeking asylum in Georgia have little hope of being permitted to remain in the country for long,” as further reasons for denial of asylum.

“The asylum-seekers therefore face an uncertain future, with little hope of being recognised as refugees but having few alternative options to access international protection,” the report says.

“Several individuals whose asylum claims have been rejected in Georgia have already spent years as refugees in neighbouring countries such as Turkey, and say they no longer know what to do, nor where to go,” the report continues.

“They appeal to the Georgian authorities to recognise the legitimacy of their claims, and to the international community to open up new safe, legal routes for resettlement,” the report notes.

Ruled by a harsh Islamic regime which has imprisoned and tortured believers in Christ on account of their faith, Iran ranks 9 on the Open Doors World Watch List 2024 of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

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